- Culinary interesting
- Family friendly
- Nature highlight
- Culturally interesting
- Refreshment stop
- Accommodation option
- Signage
- Tour with dog
- Quality Trail Wanderbares Deutschland
- Good public transport connections
Möhnesee gatehouse
The stage begins at the Torhaus restaurant on the Möhnesee. Here you can stop for a bite to eat followed by a visit to the art garden. Refreshed, the route now leads past Hevesee towards Körbecke Mark. The Sauerland-Waldroute runs parallel to the sound trail for the first few kilometers. This provides exciting installations that allow you to listen to the sounds of the forest. Another highlight of this stage is the Möhnesee Tower - the lighthouse in the Westfalen Sea. Once you have climbed it, you have a fascinating view of the region's various landscapes. The route continues through the Eichwald forest down to the small village of Neuhaus, where you can also stop for a break.
Gatehouse - Neuhaus
Information about the rescue signs on the Sauerland-Waldroute
Most hiking trails run away from towns and settlements and every hiker has thought about what would happen if an emergency were to occur. How can I be found here? Where am I anyway? Can the emergency services reach me?
In an emergency, things have to happen quickly! That's why the Sauerland-Waldroute is equipped with so-called rescue signs throughout. The green and white stickers attached to the posts of the signposts have a number that you must give when making an emergency call. This means that the emergency services know exactly where you are and valuable time can be saved.
Möhensee Tower
Sound forest
Adventure hiking guide Sauerland-Waldroute >www.naturpark-arnsberger-wald.de
Hiking map Arnsberg-Möhnesee