Soest Green Sandstone Museum


Welcome to Möhnesee / Neusta POIs / Soest Green Sandstone Museum
For centuries, the green sandstone has characterized the building culture in the Soest Börde and has become the unmistakable trademark of the town and its surrounding villages.

Grünsandsteinmuseum Soest


Soest Green Sandstone Museum

Walburgerstraße 56

59494 Soest

Telephone: 02921-15011

Fax: 02921-17604


But where does the strange green stone come from and what role does it play for the town of Soest?

The Green Sandstone Museum provides interested visitors with comprehensive answers to these questions and more. The half-timbered barn, which was lovingly restored with the help of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, for example, houses a stone collection as well as stone fragments of buildings from the district of Soest that no longer exist. Descriptive information boards guide visitors through the museum and provide interesting facts about Soest's typical building stone.

special guided tours
Tourist Information of the city of Soest, Tel. 0 29 21 / 103

6110The museum is closed on the following days
New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and the All Saints' Fair (Wednesday - Sunday after All Saints' Day)


Admission to the Green Sandstone Museum is free.

Main opening times:

Day From Until
Monday 10:00 17:00
Tuesday 10:00 17:00
Wednesday 10:00 17:00
Thursday 10:00 17:00
Friday 10:00 17:00
Saturday 10:00 17:00
Sunday 14:00 17:00

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